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Somerset Home Made Jams & Preserves

Buy Home Made Jams & Spreads now

Somerset Home Made Goodies harvests the fruits from the bushes and trees, adds some water and a bit of magic to create some of the most mouth-watering jams, preserves and paté ever to be spread on bread and crackers.

Somerset Home Made Goodies' Jams, Preserves and Paté use only fresh ingredients; no artificial preservatives and no coloring. Everything is natural, so you should refrigerate the jars once opened - most people don't get that far because the taste is so good that a whole jar can be gone in one sitting with friends and family.

Whether you are throwing a party or stealing them away for your personal pleasure, Somerset Home Made Goodies has you covered, with jams, preserves and paté that have been proven to satisfy the most discerning diners and snackers. Eaten at home or as gifts for birthdays and baby showers, Somerset Home Made Goodies' jams, preserves and paté contain the best of Mother Nature's bounty.

Fruit Jams & Preserves

Mango Chutney

India flag small

best mango chutneyChutney has its origins in India, as a means to preserve local fruits for enjoyment throughout the year; the English took the recipe home and adapted it to their own local fruits, but by far the most delicious chutney is the original Major Grey's mango chutney. Fresh mango fruit from the Island Garden City of Samal is blended with Visayan cane sugar and spices to create a sweet, fruity companion to tame even the hottest of curry dishes and compliment the tastiest cheeses. Somerset Home Made Goodies' Mango Chutney uses the freshest Samal Island mangoes to create the best mango chutney in the Philippines and Asia.

Available in small and medium jars; catering packs available by pre-order

Mango Jam

Philippine flag small

best mango jamOur mango jam contains only the finest mangoes from the Island Garden City of Samal. Hand-picked at the prime of ripeness, Samal Island mangoes are renowned for their color and sweetness. Somerset Home Made Goodies' Mango Jam is possibly the best way to offer a taste of the Philippines to someone you love, every day.

Available in small and medium jars

Pineapple Jam

Malaysia flag small

best pineapple jamFresh pineapple harvested at the beginning of summer, from the rolling hills to the West of Davao, make pineapple jam one of the nation's sweetest products. On freshly sliced bread or as a condiment, Somerset Home Made Goodies' Pineapple Jam is the best pineapple jam money can buy.

Available in small and medium jars

Apple Jelly

United Kingdom flag small

best apple jellyFresh pineapple harvested at the beginning of summer, from the rolling hills to the West of Davao, make pineapple jam one of the nation's sweetest products. On freshly sliced bread or as a condiment, Somerset Home Made Goodies' Pineapple Jam is the best pineapple jam money can buy.

Available in small and medium jars

Strawberry Jam

United Kingdom flag small

best strawberry jam PhilippinesStrawberry Jam by Somerset Home-baked Goodies is reported by customers to be the only one that tastes like "real strawberry jam", probably because it contains no artifical flavors nor coloring - just strawberries and sugar. Strawberries are grown in many locations in the Philippines but we mostly source from Taglucop (Davao) and Baguio City and, depending on the season, we source them fresh or frozen. Our sugar is exclusively from the Philippines.

Available in small and medium jars


Blackcurrant Jam

United Kingdom flag small

best blackcurrant jamThis distinctly English jam is perhaps the King of jams. Most people in the Philippines have never tasted blackcurrants but once you do, you will always be asking for more. The tartness of the blackcurrant infused with Visayan cane sugar makes for a regal taste such that Somerset Home Made Goodies' Blackcurrant Jam transforms even the most modest piece of bread into a spiritual event.

Warning: stocks are limited by the scarcity of blackcurrants

Available in small and medium jars

Blackberry Jam

United Kingdom flag small

best Blackberry JamBlackberries grow wild in England; along the Somerset country lanes you can pick more than a Kilo of blackberries in just one hour. With a more subtle taste than the Kingly blackcurrant, blackberries are nonetheless delicious. Somerset Home Made Goodies' Blackberry Jam delivers a romantic aroma that is divine.

Warning: stocks are limited by the scarcity of blackberries

Available in small and medium jars

Blackberry & Apple Jelly

United Kingdom flag small

best Blackberry and Apple JellyTaking the blackberries and combining them with traditional cooking apples and then straining the juice, to remove all the fruit pulp, produces a clear jelly that is favored for its refinement. Somerset Home Made Goodies' Blackberry & Apple Jelly will become the tasteful talking point at your next dinner party.

Warning: stocks are limited by the scarcity of blackberries

Available in small and medium jars





Somerset Home Made products are available for sale from our Metro Manila and Davao City facilities.

Can't find what you are looking for here? Email: info(at)somersethomemade.com Mobile: +63 939 934-8728 or go to the Contact Somerset Home Made page

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